Jingwen Zhang | 张竞文

Bachelor of Mathematic and Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Beijing Normal University.

北京师范大学 文理学院 数学与应用数学专业2022级本科生


Contact Info | 联系方式

Academics | 学术

Research Interests | 研究兴趣

Mathematic modeling, system and complexity analysis, data science, etc.


Publications | 论文发表


Research Experiences | 科研经历

Undergraduate Research Assistant at International Academic Center of Complex Systems, Beijing Normal University Present

Supervisor: Prof. Yu Liu

北京师范大学复杂系统国际科学中心刘宇课题组本科生科研助理 在研

Lab Homepage 实验室主页

  • Research directions: Ladderpath theory, system analysis

  • 研究方向:梯径理论,系统分析

  • Project participated:

    1. Chemical molecular similarity calculation method based on ladderpath theory
      • Learn the traditional molecular fingerprint-based definitions of molecular similarity such as Tanimoto, Dice, etc., and master the basic usage of the rdkit package (including obtaining molecular fingerprints, calculating similarity and drawing molecular maps, etc.).
      • Explore the method of calculating similarity through SMILES fingerprinting using ladderpath degrees, suggesting possible improvements through study of different examples.
      • The defined molecular similarity is the applied to calculate the molecular similarity of chemical molecules in certain datasets and compared with the results of traditional calculation methods.
    2. Mathematical properties of ladderpath and analysis of statistical patterns of ladderons
      • Observe the distribution pattern of ladderons in ladderpaths with eta values around 0.5. (We conjecture that this type of ladderpaths are the ‘most complex’.) It is found that the length distribution of the ladderons indeed shows an approximate power law distribution, and sometimes the weight distribution can also be seen to approximate a power law distribution.
    3. Research on the relationship between ladderpath complexity of an artificial neural network and its performance
      • Compare the effetiveness of ladderpath complexity in referring to the nerual network’s hierarchical structure and its accuracy, to some traditional measurement such as degree distribution entropy and modularity.
  • 参与课题:

    1. 基于梯径定义的化学分子相似度计算方法
      • 学习传统的基于分子指纹定义的Tanimoto相似度与Dice相似度等,并且掌握rdkit包的基本用法(包括获取分子指纹、计算相似度与绘制分子地图等)。
      • 探究通过SMILES指纹利用梯径度计算相似度的方法,通过实例研究提出可能需要改进的地方
      • 将定义好的分子相似度应用后计算某些数据集当中的化学分子相似度并与传统计算方式的结果进行比较。
    2. 梯径数学性质与梯元统计规律分析
      • 观察eta值在0.5附近的梯径中梯元的分布规律。(我们猜想这个值附近的梯径是“最复杂”的。)发现梯元的长度分布确实呈现了近似的幂律分布,有时也能看到重数分布近似于幂律分布。
    3. (正在做的项目,待结束后更新)

Other related works:Basic code refinement: writing laddergraph subgraph plotting programmes; literature reading, etc.


Project Experiences | 项目经历

Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Programme 大学生创新创业训练项目

  1. Research on mining typhoon disaster-causing elements based on social media big data 基于社交媒体大数据的台风致灾要素挖掘研究

    Provincial Project 广东省“攀登计划”专项资金立项 Ended 已结项

    Supervisor: Prof. Weiping Wang 指导老师:汪伟平

    • Reserach directions: Data mining, text sentiment analysis, NLP, Transformer
    • 研究方向:数据挖掘,文本情感分析,自然语言处理,Transformer神经网络
    • Main contribution: Conduct data cleaning and de-duplication, learning to use Amap API to obtain the latitude and longitude of provinces and cities, and match the geographic location and typhoon information with the blog post data. Construct a semantic dictionary and a text sentiment model, design and improve the method of calculating the text sentiment scores so that it is more suitable for posts on Sina Weibo platform. Carry out fixed-time and fixed-location experiments to test the characteristics and validity of the sentiment value in reflecting the elements of typhoon disaster.
    • 主要工作:数据清洗与去重,学习使用高德地图API获取各省份、地市的经纬度,并将地理位置和台风信息与博文数据进行匹配;搭建语义词典与文本情感模型,设计并改进文本情感值计算方法使之更适用于微博博文数据;进行固定时间与固定地点实验以检验情感值在反映台风致灾要素方面的特征与有效性。
  2. Development of C Programming Course Intelligent Teaching Assistant Based on Domestic Large Language Model

    National program 获国家级立项 Current 进行中

    Supervisor: Prof. Bo Sun 指导老师:孙波

    • Research directions: LLM, prompt-engineering, fine-tuning
    • 研究方向:大语言模型,提示技术,微调技术
    • Main contribution: (to be filled)
    • 主要工作:参与模型调研与基本功能设计;搭建模型知识库,整理课程基础知识与模拟试题等等;

Peer Study Projects and Seminars 朋辈研学与研讨班

  1. Participant of Peer Study Project: Competition Training for CUMCM
    • Content: Learn to use Matlab and get familiar with typical mathematical models.
    • Output: The group completed the modelling paper Credit Decision Making for MSMEs.
  2. Leader of Peer Study Project: Competition Training for NECCS
    • Content: Developing study plans and coordinating the content of the lessons, conducting word punch cards. Seminar activities and oral practice in the English corner, etc.
    • Achievements: 3 out of 8 members of the whole group won prizes in 2023 NECCS.
  3. Seminar on Analytic Geometry

    Supervisor: Prof. Youning Wang

    • Selected Topic I: Completely Invariant Systems of Quadratic Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Euclidean Spaces

      Main content: Verify the relationship between quadratic surfaces in 3D Euclidean space and their coefficient matrices, and classify quadratic surfaces for different cases of coefficient determinant values. Responsibile for reporting the quadratic surface classification section.

    • Selected Topic II: Completely Invariant Systems for Tangram Polygon Geometry

      Main content: Read and understand supervisor’s work to learn the idea of abstracting basic shapes in jigsaw puzzle block features and solving problems by introducing new auxiliary objects. Understand the complete derivation process and reproduce the computer experiments involved under the guidance of the teacher. Responsible for the derivation of the complete constraints of the jigsaw puzzle problem and the partial explanation of the computational tests.


  • 主要工作:学习使用matlab,熟悉常见基础模型等。

  • 成果:小组完成建模论文《中小微企业的信贷决策》


  • 主要工作:制定学习计划并协调授课内容,开展单词打卡、研讨活动与英语角口语练习等。

  • 成果:参加全国大学生英语竞赛,全组8人中3人获奖。



  • 选题一:三维欧氏空间中的二次曲面完全不变量系统


  • 选题二:七巧板多边形几何完全不变量系统


Modeling Competition Experiences 建模竞赛

  1. 2023 Intercollegiate Mathematical Modelling League of Beijing Colleges and Universities
    • Topic: Hospitality Management, Time Series Forecasting
    • Main contribution: as the main programmer, implement the preprocessing of hotel data by date numbering, use ARMA model with multivariate logistic regression to predict the number of hotel occupancy and so on.
  2. 2023 CUMCM Provincal Second Prize
    • Topic: Multibeam Line Design, Spatial Analytic Geometry
    • Main contribution: Study the book Algorithms and Applications of Mathematical Modelling with group members during the preparation phase to master the basic models and modelling ideas. Completed a big data problem in the simulation competition, using machine learning models (Gradient Boosting Tree and XGBoost) to explore the impact of the number of new sports fields on local education and health levels. In the formal competition, as the main modeller, complete the geometric abstraction of the problem and model the 2D to 3D alignment coverage width calculation, and then abstract the alignment scheme to an integer planning model for scheme evaluation. Completed the corresponding part of the thesis.
  3. 2024 MCM/ICM
    • Topic: Ecosystem Modeling, Differential Equations
    • Main contribution: in the preparation stage, read excellent papers from previous years and learn to use Latex. In the simulation competition, assist in data collection and complete the main part of the paper. In the official competition, conducted massive literature research and participated in part of the computational derivation work, and assisted the modeller in determining the basic model. As the main thesis writer, I was responsible for the art design and production of most of the thesis illustrations, as well as the writing and layout of the main part of the thesis.
  4. 2024 Intercollegiate Mathematical Modelling League of Beijing Colleges and Universities First Prize
    • Topic: 3D Packaging Problem, Algorithm Design
    • Main contribution: as the captain, co-ordinate the team management, complete the construction of the main model and code writing. Implemented the search of 3D packaging problem solution by backtracking algorithm, and the code has been uploaded to github. also completed the main part of the paper, and carried out part of the data processing work.


  • 主题:酒店管理 时间序列预测

  • 主要工作:作为主编程手,通过日期编号实现酒店数据的预处理,使用ARMA模型与多元logistic回归预测酒店入住数量等。

二、2023年高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛 省二等奖

  • 主题:多波束测线设计 空间解析几何

  • 主要工作:在备赛阶段小组学习《数学建模算法与应用》一书,掌握基本模型与建模思路。在模拟赛中完成一道大数据题,使用机器学习模型(梯度提升树与XGBoost)探究各类运动场地新增数量对当地教育和健康水平的影响。在正式比赛中,作为主建模手,完成问题的几何抽象并建立二维到三维测线覆盖宽度计算模型,后将测线方案抽象为整数规划模型以便于方案评估。完成相应部分的论文撰写。


  • 主题:生态系统分析 差分方程与微分方程

  • 主要工作:在备赛阶段,阅读往年优秀论文并学习latex排版。在模拟赛中辅助数据收集并完成论文的主体部分。在正式比赛中,进行海量文献调研,并参与部分计算推导工作,协助建模手确定基本模型。作为主论文手负责大部分论文插图的美术设计与制作,并完成论文主体部分的撰写与排版。

四、2024年北京市数学建模校际联赛 一等奖

  • 主题:三维装箱问题 算法设计

  • 主要工作:作为队长,统筹安排团队管理,完成主体模型的搭建与代码撰写。通过回溯算法实现了三维装箱问题解的搜索,代码已上传至github。同时也完成了论文的主体部分,并进行了部分数据处理工作。

Other: have completed the training of BNUZH-China iGEM team, learned basic protein and chemical reaction rate modelling, and understood some common biological components.


Academic Competitions | 学术竞赛

Mathematics: provincal first prize in CMC (rank 33)

English: second prize at school level of FLTRP Cup, second prize of NECCS

Programming: provincal second prize of Lanqiao Cup Software Competition




Skills | 语言技能

Languages & Softwares:Python, Latex, Markdown, C, Matlab, Tableau, edraw.

Standarized English Scores: CET-6 639

语言&软件:Python, Latex, Markdown, C, Matlab, Tableau, 亿图, ChimeraX.


Other Aspects about Me | 唠唠其他

Mathematics Study | 数学学习

Maths campaigner since primary school, also competed in Physical Competition in high school and enjoys the clash of minds.

Because participating in competitions from a young age, I got used to attending classes & working on holidays, and developed the habit of being able to stick on a goal.

I have always preferred logical reasoning since I went to university, and I am keen on digging into the essential meaning of definitional theorems, and I am able to transfer this ability to real-world problem solving.




Social Practice | 社会实践

Social Works 社会工作

  1. County Student Volunteer Corps Outstanding Student Volunteer (2 times)
    • Help high school students with their university application, and volunteer for cultural and sports competitions.
  2. Municipal Talent Development Promotion Association Top 10 Campus Talent Ambassador
    • Participate in government-enterprise visits and seminars. Learn about policies for attracting investment and talent.

一、某县大学生志愿服务总队 优秀大学生志愿者

  • 参与“选大学问学长学姐”高考生志愿填报帮扶工作、文体竞赛场务志愿工作等。

二、某市人才发展促进会 十佳校园引才大使 连任

  • 参与政企走访与座谈、招商引才政策学习等。

  • 进行城市文化和人才政策、文化活动等的推介宣传。

三、某市基金会领航计划 首届青年领航员

  • (进行中)

Practical research 实践调研

Leisure Hobbies | 兴趣爱好

Classical music enthusiast who enjoys theatre related forms of art (plays, musicals, etc.).

Used to study French and Italian for a while because I was attracted by operas and musicals, and I like to be exposed to different cultures.

Former member of campus theatre troupe, occasional acting & dubbing, etc.

Ball sports are also enjoyed, especially various permutations and combinations, such as playing badminton with a ping-pong paddle.

Enjoys in reading Chinese history stories and believe in subjective idealism.






Anything Else | 边角料

Usually be described as looking like a serious science student on the appearance, but actually the most humourous and funny one.

Own the ability to act as an atmosphere team in a stressful environment.

Willing to make concessions for team efficiency and also able to learn new things quickly.


